Outlook 2016 For Mac Stuck In Sending

Are you facing email not sending problem where email from Mac Mail Stuck in Outbox?

Outlook 2016 For Mac Stuck In Sending Text

Repair Outlook send receive error in Outlook for Mac 2016 In the Mac version of Outlook, you can take care of a few things while attempting to get Outlook working again. Step1: Recheck the Recipient’s Email Even a comma instead of a period can stop Outlook from sending an email.

Some Mac users who updated Mac Mail experience some trouble to send an email like Mac Mail emails remain stuck in Outbox. Typically this is in the form some server connection error, a mailbox gets stuck offline, repeated request for a password from Mac mail or some other connection error. It is fairly a common issue faced by you if you are one them who wants a solution for it.

  1. If you’re finding that Outlook 2016 is crashing or freezing every time you try to send mail or Outlook 2016 for Mac won’t send email, then the easiest solution is simply to create a second identical Outlook account and then delete the first one. Here’s how to add a new account or profile in Outlook 2016. On the setup page, click Add.
  2. Also new to Outlook 2016 for Mac is support for delivery and read (opened) receipts when sending messages. Microsoft notes, though, that email recipients can choose to decline to send read receipts.
  3. Using the latest 16.x.6663. I haven't used Apple Mail in a while so I started it and let it sync up. Realizing it's still not working well I went back to Outlook for Mac. It's not syncing any email, I tried restarting the service and even rebooting. I login via web mail and see the inbox has new mail. Outlook just says determining changes.
  4. If Outlook is disconnected or not online when you send the email, then the email will be stuck in the outbox. Your antivirus can scan the emails that you are sending causing them to be stuck in your outbox. What To Do When Outlook Email Stuck In Outbox. As mentioned above, there can be various causes for this issue.

Cause of Mac Mail not Sending Stuck in Outbox
The Outbox in Apple Mail appears only when an email you are trying to send is not able to be sent. This usually happens due to situations if you are working in offline mode or there is a connection problem. The Outbox will disappear once the mail is sent. You can check several things to ensure whether the email in Outbox is properly sent or not.

Solution If Email in Mac Mail Stuck in Outbox

Mac Mail is quite a useful email client for browsing i.e; sending and receiving emails without going through the hassle of opening a browser to check emails. But like most apps, it’s not perfect. Often you might experience a few issues with Mac Mail client like your inbox not syncing properly or Mac Mail Not sending problem, and here we are discussing on the Mac Mail unable to send emails and how to take certain steps to fix the problem. There are four must look out a situation that you might never miss to check.

#1 Checking Email Address


If you are sending an email to the email address and it is incorrect then the email server from the recipient’s end will not deliver the email. Always double-check the address you have entered before sending and resent the mail. If you see it again stays in the Outbox then it much be some connection problem.


Outlook 2016 For Mac Stuck In Sending Email Address

#2 Check Outbox Settings

One of the possible reason issues of email remains in the Outbox and MAC Mail fails to send mail is a connection problem. Such an issue can arise when Mac Mail is improperly filled in the account settings sections.
To check and edit the desire correction go to the Mail heading>click Preferences> click Accounts. Verify the Mail settings(your mail setting) with the documentation you have received from your email service provider to ensure they are filled out correctly.

#3 Checking Internet Connection

Another reason that email is showed up in Outbox because your computer is not connected to the Internet.
Go to the System Preferences panel >click Network. From the left side of the Network box, see if you have a green light under Ethernet or Wi-Fi(you connection medium). If there is a red light, this means that your system is not connected to the Internet. Contact your Internet Service Provider to report this problem, and find out if the connection problem is temporary.

Outlook 2016 For Mac Stuck In Sending Email

Outlook 2016 For Mac Stuck In Sending

#4 Configure Outgoing Mail Settings

  1. Launch Mac Mail & select Preferences from the menu.
  2. From the preferences window, click on the Accounts button.
  3. Select the mail account that is giving you problems.
  4. Now click on Account Information and Server Settings. The selection depends on the version of MAC you are using.
  5. In the ‘Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)’ section, select ‘Edit SMTP Server List’ from the drop-down.
  6. A list of all the SMTP servers set up will display. The Mail account that you select will be highlighted in the list.
  7. Click the ‘Server Settings’ and make sure the server or hostname is entered correctly here.

#5 Corrupt Mail Preference File

The other possible reason for such Mac Mail Stuck in Outbox issue is that “the Mail preference file gets corrupt or unreadable”. This situation may cause Mail to stop working or prevent sending mail from MAC Mail.

Before moving forward, make sure you have a backup of your Mac since the following methods to repair Apple Mail can cause email information to be lost including the account details.

Recommended solution: Repair Apple Mail Emails

Outlook 2016 For Mac Stuck In Sending Email


Outlook 2016 For Mac Stuck In Sending Password

The appearance of the Outbox or Mac mail stuck in the outbox is a temporary situation, and many times the problem is solved in a short time. If you are able to wait for a while to see if the problem clears up on its own, or else you solve it by using the manual solution mentioned discussed above. If the problem is not solved then you may need to contact your Internet service provider or email service, provider.